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The fight for your map

We can think very differently at times, so how do we ensure this channels into creativity and away from conflict?

Alfred Korzibski, a leading figure in Neuro-linguitics, coined the phrase ‘The Map is not the Territory’ and it explains in simple terms that our understanding of something (the map) is not always an accurate reflection of the actual situation (the territory). In fact, Map of the Territory can be built as much from our biases as it is from what we see and hear.

To add a Neuroscience lens, your brain contains a neural replica of the world as you’ve come know it. This is your Map of the world that you use to navigate. Now compare it to my Map and they’ll be both similarities and differences. It explains how we see some things the same way and see other things differently.

From these differences there is great potential for creativity. As soon as we start to share information, ‘ideas bump’ and we begin to innovate. Unless that is, we we dig in – fail to listen and consider – and ‘fight for our Map’ as being THE RIGHT AND ONLY MAP – as human beings, this can happen at times.

Insights & Actions

We’re going to find ourselves at times thinking differently to others, so how we do we channel this towards creativity and away from conflict?

  • Recognise other people have different thinking Maps, there is no ‘one Map to rule them all!’
  • Be curious and discover what’s behind their perspective by asking good questions to understand
  • Share your own Map as your own and not as a universal truth – be humble
  • Play with discovery-type questions such as:
    • Tell me what your thinking is?
    • What are your thoughts behind your suggestion?
    • How would you see that working?
    • What’s making you lean towards that option?
    • How do you see this playing out?
    • Tell me more about your resistance to this?

Above all, when you’re challenged by someone who is thinking differently to you, manage any defensiveness and remain curious.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

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