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Communication Leadership: Brain-based Foundations & Resources

So what are the foundations of the Communication Leadership training? Here are the areas of science and research that inform the training and some recommended reading.


Neuro-linguistics or NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) is the study of language and it’s effect on the brain and how to use language with positive effect. It’s this work that has increased our understanding of how language influences things like motivation, state of mind, threat and reward responses and clarity and confusion. It also reveals how language can build or damage relationships and performance.

Book: Transforming Communication by Dr. Richard Bolstad


Coined by Dr. David Rock, the term Neuro-leadership studies the neuroscience of leadership and how a better understanding of the brain can improve leadership. This work has significantly advanced the development of Coaching-style Leadership globally and is an instrumental component of the Communication Leadership training.

Books by David Rock: Quiet Leadership & Your Brain at Work.

Social Neuroscience

The largest area of neuro scientific research, Social Neuroscience looks at our brain as a ‘Social Brain’ and explores why so much of the brain’s functionality is socially-geared. This covers areas such as social anxiety, emotional intelligence and leadership favour.

Book: Social Intelligence by Daniel Golemen

Positive Psychology

If you’re familiar with the ‘Inner Coach’ concept, you’re in the positive psychology domain. Here we study what positivity is as a mindset and it’s tangible effects on our well-being, relationships, how we overcome adversity and what we achieve. Specifically in Communication Leadership, we use this understanding to help us stay calm and centred during conflict.

Book: Flourish by Martin Seligman

International Peace Process

What makes peace sustainable? International Peace Process has the answers and, as a set of principles, they are scaleable to help resolve conflicts between people and within teams and organisations. The principles include non-violent communication, partnership, needs elicitation, creativity, ownership and accountability.

Book: Conflict Resolution by Dudley Weeks

In summary, Communication Leadership is a brain-based training, the content of which is evidence based and pressure tested – i.e. it works well in the real-world.

Photo by Harrison Leece on Unsplash

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