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Articles: Insights & Actions

Take care, but take risks too

Take care, but take risks too

We can’t live a life without risk and so learning to take calculated risks (risk management) when we’re young is essential. I want my own kids to be r…

Tracking – it’s useful in the bush

Tracking – it’s useful in the bush

Tracking – it's useful in the bush and for the same reasons, in the office too! It means you and the team know where 'things are at', at any time.

Building solution focused teams

Building solution focused teams

When we're Solution Focused, we're creating chemistry in the brain that is better for our mental and physical wellbeing, we're also having more fun!

Unleashing creative genius at work

Unleashing creative genius at work

How is creativity thought of in your team?

Give people autonomy

Give people autonomy

Don't think for other people, support them to do their own best thinking instead.

Establish parameters, your team’s playing field

Establish parameters, your team’s playing field

Think about parameters as the edges of a soccer pitch. Within the parameters is the creative space where players put in the hard work. In an organisat…

Teams are stronger with common goals

Teams are stronger with common goals

Let's talk about Common Goals. Does your team have them and are they clear?

The CEO Disease

The CEO Disease

The CEO Disease is a colourful term for a leadership feedback vacuum. This is where good solid feedback doesn't make it through to the leader, thereby…

Noisy Communication

Noisy Communication

When we're listening to someone, there's often a raft of messaging to make sense of. So which are the parts we really need to act on?

Tell vs. Ask

Tell vs. Ask

If you're operating in an environment where people need to think to succeed, then ensure people aren't being told how to think or what to think.

Lack-lustre team performance: Ten solutions

Lack-lustre team performance: Ten solutions

What are the signals of lacklustre team performance, and what are the solutions? These are the questions I look to get answered when starting to coach…

“Do as I say” Leadership

“Do as I say” Leadership

Command-style Leadership is risky!

Crayfish & Conflict

Crayfish & Conflict

How a scuba diving emergency illustrates key principles of conflict resolution.

Leaders and Followers

Leaders and Followers

On an army assault course in the UK – why I was there is a long story – I heard a recruit proclaim "In this life there are leaders and there are follo…

Going in guns blazing

Going in guns blazing

When looking to resolve a conflict, be sure to enter the conversation in the right emotional state. 'Instant pre-play' is a performance strategy used …

“I’m in my dream job, I hate it!”

“I’m in my dream job, I hate it!”

How communication is critical to leadership and culture.

Ambiguity is a risk

Ambiguity is a risk

Ambiguity places one of the biggest stresses on a human being, and there's an amazing amount of it around!

The fight for your map

The fight for your map

We can think very differently at times, so how do we ensure this channels into creativity and away from conflict?

Communication Leadership: Brain-based Foundations & Resources

Communication Leadership: Brain-based Foundations & Resources

So what are the foundations of the Communication Leadership training? Here are the areas of science and research that inform the training and some rec…

How to spot Communication Leadership

How to spot Communication Leadership

Put simply Communication Leadership is communication that leads to some form of change. But that's a little vanilla, so to put it differently, Communi…

Communication is instrumental

Communication is instrumental

It is actually a no brainer … communication is instrumental in everything we do.

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