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Communication Leadership Training

Advanced Personal Communication & Conflict Resolution

communication LEADERSHIP

Join over 700 people who’ve completed Communication Leadership, a comprehensive leadership training with an excellent reputation. Gain real-world-ready tools and life-long value.

what we cover

Have a greater impact through better communication

Focusing on what increases communication effectiveness and what derails it, Communication Leadership develops a heightened awareness of language and how to use it skilfully for positive outcomes.

Resolve conflict with confidence

Improve relationships via better rapport

Reduce ambiguity and create certainty

Move people from drama to solutions

Raise concerns with greater calm

Keep centred when the pressure is on

Spend far less time fire-fighting

Overview: Communication is complex

Communication is complex and whilst we may share a common language, the way people listen, attach meaning and respond can be wildly different from person to person. The brain is a busy place when we’re communicating, and so sometimes a conversation can create more noise than insight. Be it a simple misunderstanding or a lashing of hard words, the chances are, we’ve all experienced the conflict it can create.

This training makes communication simpler and easier. You’ll have more confidence to hold the bigger conversations and reduce strong emotions in yourself and others. You’ll have a tested method for developing solutions that turn conflict into partnership and you’ll enjoy better relationships. Ultimately, you’ll have the skills and tools to make a bigger and more positive difference.

Part 1:  Wired to Connect: Communication at it’s best

The brain contains a number of sensory language channels, and whilst it’s complex, understanding a little about these channels offers great benefits. In this first part of the training, we see how language works in the brain and identify simple and practical changes we can make to increase rapport, learn more from others, reduce misunderstanding and build trust. Mastering these fundametals makes the rest of the training even more powerful.

Part 2: Coach & Empower: Gain the skills of a Coach

In part two, we focus on the core skills of communication and take them to an advanced level giving you the skills of a Coach. You’ll learn how to empower others to develop their own solutions, open up new thinking and see people move from problem and drama to possibility and action. It’s these core skills that create change and develop real potential.

Part 3: Raise & Preserve: Raise issues, get positive outcomes

Most of us have experienced those uncomfortable moments when raising concerns with others. The risks are esculating conflict, being misunderstood and emotions flaring. In this third part of the training, we take the ‘edge’ off having the more challening conversations. You’ll learn techniques to stay centred under pressure. You’ll have a message structure that presents your concern in a clear and constructive way and you’ll have the skills to help avoid strong emotions flare.

Part 4: Resolve Issues and Create Partnership

Navigating conflict isn’t straight forward and is unlikely to go away unless solutions are sustainable. Add in the stress of conflict and it’s understandable why it can be so daunting. In this final part of the training, we define the difference between forced solutions and sustainable solutions. We look at what helps people ‘disarm’ and work together to build solutions together. Through practical exercises, you’ll learn a set approaches used in international peace process to turn conflict into partnership.

Next Training: 26-29 November 2024, Wellington


Designed for life-long value.

This is no flash-in-the-pan training. It’s designed to stick and add value to all areas of your work and life.

Small group training,
no one gets lost

To maximise value, places are limited to twelve people only. That means you’ll not get lost in a big crowd and you’ll get your outcomes met.

Deep-dive training,
no broad-brush approach

For greater depth, this leadership training focuses purely on communication. We don’t attempt to cover all aspects of leadership, just excellent communication.

Comprehensive training,
no half-haircuts

4 days plus extensive embedding, this training is for life-long learning. Half-day workshops are like half-haircuts, you’ll get something but not everything you need.

Practical exercises,
not a lecture

Engaging and interactive. With some 43 practical exercises, you’ll use what you learn constantly over the four days.

Layered parts,
a cohesive package

Each part of the training layers onto the pervious part, helping you build a cohesive package and skills and strategies.

and capability

At the end of the four days, you’ll be prepared to apply your learnings with confidence to real situations.

Strongly Recommend

88% of participants strongly recommend this training. 11% recommend it.

Valuable and Engaging

90% of participants strongly agree it was valuable & engaging. 10% agree.

One of the Best

70% of participants strongly agree it was one the best trainings they’ve attended. 27% agree.

FEEDBACK & results

“If you have the opportunity to do one communication leadership course in your life, do this one!”

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“We’ve put half our +100 staff through this training and we’re seeing positive results. Managers are now confidently tackling challenging conversations. We’re now integrating these skills into our culture.”

people capability manager

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“If anyone is looking for lessons in leadership, I would recommend Communication Leadership. It helps us to work with our differences and gives us the ability to collaborate for a win-win outcome.”

Laurie Foon

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“Recognising the leadership role that today’s Project Managers have, we commissioned Communication Leadership to run in-house for 43 Managers. The feedback has been exceptional and the results immediate.”

Christian Carter
senior project manager

David Savage | Leadership Specialist

“An addictive and sumptuous mind explosion,
David Savage is a master at helping people to realise and reach their potential”

Trainer, Solutioneer, Bike-Packer

Over twenty-years Coaching and Training

Education: Neuro-Leadership & Neuro-Linguitics

Worked with over 80 Organisations

Trained over 2000 people

Alliance Coach – SCIRT & MPA

AFRA Board Member – Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance


Pricing that helps you build a culture of communication leadership.

Includes: 4-day comprehensive training, 200+ Page workbook, Pre/post training support, Full catering, Management loop, Extensive embedding strategies including a 13 week email refresher series.

One person


10% off if paid one month in advance.

10% Early-bird discount

Save $325+gst

Two people


Your second person is half price.*

25% Overall discount

Save $1,625+gst

Three people


Your third person is free.*

1/3 Overall discount

Save $3,250+gst

*Participants must be from the same organisation to qualify for the discounts.

Next Training: 26-29 November 2024, Wellington


Questions we can answer now.

Is this training right for me?

Let’s make sure it is. Use the contact form at the bottom of this page and book in a call. I’ll ask you a few questions and then tell you about the training. If you see there’s a match, we’re all good to go. However in summary, do this training if you want to advance your skills to create both positive and innovative relationships, support others to excel and resolve conflict with confidence.

Is there value for my employer?

The research is clear, conflict in the workplace has a huge impact on performance – it dilutes task focus, people avoid each other, it hijacks others and has people looking for other employment. Communication Leadership gives individuals the skills and confidence to change this by turning conflict into collaboration. The value to employers is huge.

How come it’s four days?

Four days is a chunk of time to be out of the workplace, but as with all my courses, I provide a quality experience not a tick box exercise. Leadership training works with the brain’s hardwiring and your hardwiring has be forming since birth (actually just before), and so if you want to achieve real development that’s sustainable, you need focused training that understands how the brain wires and rewires. A shorter training may tick the box, but I’d seriously question the quality.

How is the training structured?

Great question! Let me answer that using key principles that make up the structure…

1: Science base – You’ll hear the science behind each part of the content, not so much to feel lectured and academically drowned, but just enough to add to your insights and relate what you hear to your real life experience.

2. Form – As a leadership specialist, my training also includes Neuro Linguistics and brain-based training methodology. Broken down, it means I train according to how the brain learns … each part of the content is presented in terms of why it’s important, what the tool (or model or skill) is, how to apply it and how versitile it is. There’s a method here that makes it simple and accessible for you to have a comprehensive understanding of how a tool works and how to apply it.

3. Practical – Learn by doing. On my trainings you’ll be busy; I aim to minimise the ‘sit and listen’ parts and maximise ‘go do’ parts.

4. Layered training – This means that each part of the training connects to and builds on previous parts.

5. Meta training – In short, I model what I train as I’m training it … maximum sensory congruence!


Ask a question about this training

By David Savage

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